Monday, June 1, 2015

Hair Growth

As with many cancer survivors, I must deal with the new normal with a new head of hair. I lost mine early on and it didn't start growing back until November of 2013. 

When it grew back, I soon realized I was dealing with something different. Before my hair had been average thickness and had a slight wave. The new hair had other ideas in mind. About the only thing that is the same is the color.

My new hair came in for the first nine months VERY CURLY. Like, ringlet curls. I looked like a poodle. Or an old lady who had a perm. Both equally as bad in my opinion. I will spare you the pictures. 

And then POOF! my hair started coming in strait. I think it might be straiter than it was originally. So now I have half curly half strait hair and it looks like I either tried to curl it and gave up or tried to straiten it and gave up. Again, not good.

To top it all off, it is SO THICK now. I have to buy and use the extra large elastic hair ties to wrestle it into a ponytail. Oh, my dearest friend, ponytail, how I have missed you for the past year and a half. All those bad hair days where I had zero choices with how to fix my curly, fluffy ball of hair. Now you are the best of best friends. Never leave me. Please, I forgot how awesome you are.

Oh, and if you are wondering, my hair is the length in the picture of the left girl in the middle row. My goal at the moment it to have hair the length of the girl all the way to the right in the middle row. Three more inches. That is about 6 months because my hair grows about average which is half an inch per month. So November then.


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