Thursday, September 22, 2016

Reaching for the Stars

God has provided, as he always does. I am not only back at school but having an upside down wonderful kind of session. Everything is just as hard, maybe harder even.

But I am not fearful.

I have a sort of fire in my veins. Powerful, strong, crazy, and beautiful all at once. It drives me onward even on my darkest days.

I guess it really all kind of hit me when I got my notice to attend a meeting next month. A meeting for seniors. That is what I am now. A senior. However do I wrap my head about that? I have been going to school nearly my whole life and now... now I am almost done. Just over a year to go. What? How?

I can't answer either of those questions. But somehow, past the pain, the tears, the cancer, the financial problems, I ended up here. Surely, this was no accident. No freak alignment of the stars. I was driven to this place for a reason, for a purpose.

Perhaps I was created for such a time as this.

That is the fire that drives me. The knowledge that I did not just "end up" at this college and I did not just "end up" with my passion for teaching. And so, when it is hard, when I don't want to crawl out of my bed in the morning, I remember that this was no accident.

I was created for such a time as this.

And so, dear reader, were you. You are where you are for a very good and specific reason. Maybe you can't see it now, but you were not given what you got so you could end now. You didn't come this far to only come this far. Please do not give up. Do not hesitate. Do not second guess yourself. God has a plan, one that reaches way beyond yours.

My new normal is teaching me that I don't have to find the plan, the plan will find me for this is the time for which I was created.


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