Wednesday, January 20, 2016

She Flies

It is high time I wrote about the poem that inspired me most during and after my fight. While on Pinterest one day (if you want to follow me there will be a link at the end of the post) I came across these five words "With brave wings, she flies." And I found I could hardly breathe. What was it about these five words that sparked a fire in my soul?

"With brave wings, she flies"

I guess I never thought one had to be brave to fly. I thought birds enjoyed the activity, like we enjoy walking and running. But brave? Brave means facing challenges. Brave means being scared and doing it anyway. Brave means knowing there are more important things to think about than failing and falling. I wanted brave wings.

"With brave wings, she flies"

So she doesn't just have these brave wings, she flies with them as well. She could stay safely on the ground, showing off her brave wings to others. She could preen them and flap them to work them out. Yet never actually use them. Because to use them could mean failure. To use them could mean falling. But she does use them. And not just for short hops.

Over a year later (actually, right around the time I started this blog) I found that these five words were actually connected to a longer poem. And I found it hard to breathe again.

"Over the cliffs of wonder 
Into the abyss of surprise."
Remember that flying I was talking about? These are no ordinary flights. She soars. She dives headlong into the hardship. The future is uncertain, but it is worth it for the view. It is worth it for the journey. "Cliffs of wonder"? Yeah, I have seen a few of those in my time. "Abyss of surprise"? Boy, I sure have found myself in a few of those!

"She doesn't know what's coming next"

Nobody can predict the future. She may think about all the "what ifs." What if I fall? What if I fly too close to something and get knocked down? What if I don't have the strength to get to the next perch? But all the what ifs don't stop this girl from flying.

"I think that is for the best"

Wow, that is a hard one to swallow. Sometimes it feels like all I want to know is WHEN. When will this be over? When will the storm end? When will the sun shine through? But looking back, I know I would have totally freaked out if I knew what was coming ahead of me. Cancer? No way God, I can't handle that. Graduating with honors? Please, I am not that smart. Becoming a teacher? What? I am too sensitive! Not smart enough! My past is so messed up! I am not... How many excuses can I come up with? One for every star in the sky. Sometimes, most of the time, it is best not to know.

"Her courage and her heart 
Will get her through the rest"



My Pinterest page, in case you care to follow: 


  1. You have me in tears. I just started my journey with cancer at the age 38. I don't know how you did it at your young age! Anyhow, I am hooked on the whole be brave saying and while looking for designs for that I came across the "with brave wings she flies" which then lead me to the poem and thus the tears started. In trying to find out who wrote it, I found you. Your words are exactly what my heart has been struggling to say. Thank You!

    Any chance you know who wrote the poem? :)

    Stay brave! I don't know you and haven't read any of the rest of your blog, but you are amazing!

    1. Hello fellow brave one! I am sorry to hear you have to battle the monster, it is a fate I would not wish I my worst enemy! I am pleased to know my words have touched someone. I started the blog as a way to heal myself and didn't really think anyone else would read it. Unfortunately, I too do not know who the poem is by or I would have given them credit in the post.

      Hang in there! Each day is bringing you closer to the you you were meant to be. If you ever want to chat, feel free to email me. Nobody should have to do this alone. :)
